Fingal Housing List Applications by Citizenship (2011 – 2023)

On foot of the excellent question from Cllr. Patrick Quinlan recently in the Fingal Council chamber, one that asked various councils back in 2023 (and got the data and published here on Ireland’s Amazing Housing List), the thought struck to see if Councillor Quinlan’s question could be answered.

After a quick look it was possible to compile a brief summary of housing applications in the Fingal council area, starting back at 2011 (the last time the question was asked and answered) to see how things have gone since then. Keep in mind the housing list is not the full picture but it is the right place to start looking and asking questions.


Various governments have handed out Irish citizenship like confetti, and so it is not unreasonable to point out that a portion of the “Irish citizens” captured in the data applying to the housing list could be foreign born, i.e. Iraq or Nigeria, but marked as an Irish citizen. This allows the #ReplacementMigration regime to mask the true nature, volume and expression of the imported housing demand picture, demand that once here immediately puts a lean on Irish housing supports, public and private.

This is why Housing For All housing policy if titled “Housing For All”, becasue the policy is Housing For All (The World).